Do you frequently feel unwell and are you unsure of why this is the case? You might attribute these minor discomforts to becoming older, but it’s also possible that your body is retaining too many pollutants. Anything toxic to the body is a toxin. These annoyances may go away if you detox your body. Here are some of the most common indications that your body is poisonous.
1. You have extra weight that doesn’t shift
Your toxic load may be the culprit if you’ve tried to lose weight through exercise and calorie counting but it hasn’t moved. Since many poisons are lipophilic, they are kept in body fat. There are several pesticides, dioxins, and PCBs among these lipophilic poisons. So it makes logical that it would appear tough to reduce the additional weight when you have an overload of these toxins.
2. Unexplained exhaustion
Your toxic load may be to blame if, despite getting your recommended eight hours of sleep, you still wake up feeling fatigued. A high toxic load puts your body under additional stress, which can be difficult for your adrenal glands. Adrenal fatigue may result from long-term chronic stress brought on by a heavy toxic load. You experience exhaustion and a drained feeling due to adrenal fatigue. Some contaminants can also impede adrenal function directly. Caffeine, for instance, is known to harm your adrenal glands.
3. Insomnia
Your cortisol levels may become out of whack if your body is under stress as a result of a heavy toxic load. You release the hormone cortisol to cope with stress. The morning and evening have the greatest and lowest normal and healthy cortisol levels, respectively. In contrast, if the hormone is out of balance, nighttime levels may be excessive. You end up being extremely energized and unable to fall asleep as a result. It’s critical to get to bed on time and obtain at least eight hours of sleep each night to avoid the health effects of insomnia.
4. Fuzzy thinking
Aspartame and MSG are two poisons that have a direct negative impact on the brain. (Monosodium glutamate). Feeling a little disoriented most of the time is one effect of these toxins. Aspartame and MSG are excitotoxins, which literally kill our brain cells, thus it’s crucial to avoid them. Many sugar-free beverages, diet meals, and toothpastes contain aspartame. MSG is a common ingredient in processed meals.
5. Unexplained headaches
Regular headaches that go undiagnosed could indicate a toxic burden that is too high. MSG and aspartame are typical poisons that result in headaches, as was already mentioned. However, numerous other pollutants, such as heavy metals, artificial colorings, and preservatives, also cause headaches.
6. Mood swings
Your hormones may be out of balance if you experience mood swings. Hormonal abnormalities in both men and women are brought on by some chemicals, such as xenoestrogens. Xenoestrogens are artificial substances that mimic the effects of estrogen in your body. Industrial substances like PCBs, BPA, and phthalates are examples of sources. Using less plastic should help you lower your xenoestrogen load.
7. Bad body odor
It can be a sign that your toxic load is too high and your liver and intestines are having trouble excreting toxins if you have terrible breath, foul-smelling gas, or stools. You can support your liver by taking milk thistle supplements, doing a coffee enema, or performing a liver flush. (using olive oil and lemon juice). Liver flushes are quite harsh and require much preparation. Coffee enemas are simpler in comparison. Both methods of liver detoxification are quite efficient.
8. Constipation
It is crucial to rid your body of waste on a daily basis. Toxins are absorbed back into your circulation if you don’t have a bowel movement every day, making you extremely toxic. Constipation can be relieved by increasing your fiber consumption and water intake.
9. Muscle aches and pains
If you experience frequent, inexplicable muscle discomfort, you may be carrying a lot of toxic load. Some toxins cause muscle spasms, knots, and other general muscular aches and pains by stimulating pain receptors in the muscle. Your muscles may experience an instant or delayed reaction to the toxins. Keep a journal of your actions each day to try and identify the toxin or toxins that are to blame.
10. Skin reactions
The majority of poisons that you expose your body should be able to be removed by your liver. However, if your liver is overworked from too many toxins, the skin will need to work to rid the body of the extra toxins. Acne, rashes, or boils may result from this.
11. Sensitivity to scents
You may be extremely poisonous if you are highly sensitive to diverse fragrances. You may experience increased sensitivity to diverse scents if your liver is not detoxifying properly. Headaches and nausea might result from this sensitivity.
Reduce your exposure to toxins if you believe your toxic load is too high. When possible, eating healthy, organic foods, staying hydrated, and exercising moderately all have a positive impact. To get rid of the surplus toxins, you might possibly perform a secure cleansing or detox.