Let’s go right to the point now. If we’re going to talk about preventing cervical cancer, we might as well start at the beginning with eating, which comes first in J. Robert Hatherill’s Eat to Beat Cancer. The greatest foods to eat to increase your body’s resilience to the Human Papillomavirus (HPV), the main cause of cervical cancer, rather than how much to eat.
Undoubtedly, eating well is important for overall health, but the American Cancer Society claims that women who consume at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each day can lower their risk of developing cancer. Of course, there is a biological explanation for this; antioxidants found naturally in some meals can slow or block the process by which malignant cells mutate or spread throughout the body. The second most frequent disease among Indian women, cervical cancer is a leading cause of death for women worldwide. The chance of developing cervical cancer is increased by a number of factors, including age, obesity, risky sex, using tobacco products, having complex pregnancies, using oral contraceptives, immunosuppressant medications, and eating unhealthily. According to research, nutrition always has an impact on the body and can contribute to the development of certain disorders.
Antioxidant vitamins play a significant role in preventing the growth of cervical cancer, and this has drawn a lot of attention. HIV-related inflammatory processes significantly degrade DNA proteins. Vitamins A, C, D, and E can stop DNA damage and stop cancer cells from proliferating. A high risk of HPV infection is linked to a high intake of red and processed meats, snacks high in saturated, trans, or unhealthy fat, refined carbohydrates, and an excess of added sugars and salt.
Here are the top six foods to consume and the nutritional benefits of each.
1. Carrots
Carrots are not just good for your eyes; they also contain beta-carotene and carotenoids, which work together to protect your body’s cells from absorbing carcinogens. This vegetable is incredibly adaptable and reasonably priced; you may consume them raw, prepare them in a stew, or incorporate them in a salad.
2. Green Tea
A common substitute beverage that is likewise widely known for its many general health advantages is green tea. One of the causes is the presence of those antioxidants, specifically the polyphenols found in green tea, which stop the development and growth of cancer cells. Just make sure you have enough in the house because it may be consumed at any hour of the day.
3. Beans
If correctly prepared and consumed in moderation with other cancer prevention foods, beans can become everyone’s favorite food. The benefits? They are extremely healthy in general and great at avoiding cell damage because they are inexpensive, high in fiber, and high in protein. Another chemical word is phytochemicals, a substance found in beans that is thought to inhibit the formation of tumors. These phytochemicals prevent malignant cells from mutating into healthy cells. By substituting beans for a regular serving of red meat, you can also save money.
4. Lettuce
Can we all agree that, despite being on the list, lettuce is not the tastiest food? However, lettuce and other leafy green vegetables include flavonoids, which are often regarded as a top source of nutrients that provide some kind of protection against cancer. Now, eating lettuce is more popular than just a diet food.
5. Whole Wheat Bread
Bread made from whole wheat makes up for the missed carbs. This food provides vitamin B6, and carbs are just as essential to human health as fruits and vegetables. This vitamin is essential for the maintenance of red blood cell metabolism, immune system regulation, and neurological system health. Avoid purchasing anything other than 100 percent whole wheat; enriched wheat flour has had the majority of essential nutrients bleached and processed out of it, making it of little nutritional value to your health.
6. Sweet Potatoes
Beta carotene, an antioxidant that helps shield cells from damage caused by free radicals and so actively fights against many malignancies, including cervical cancer, is found in sweet potatoes in the highest concentrations. In comparison to conventional potatoes, sweet potatoes are healthier. Both baking and mashing are options. In addition, foods including carrots, oranges, squash, eggs, liver, and tuna are excellent sources of vitamin A, which is well known for preventing cervical cancer. The common causative agent of cervical cancer, the human papillomavirus (HPV), is also thought to be targeted by carrots. Consuming foods formulated to fight HPV can aid in both preventing and treating the condition.
Last but not least, a word of caution: several of the cancer-preventing nutrients listed in the list of foods can be purchased in health food stores in the form of dietary supplements. Do not swap supplements for real foods until you have done a thorough inquiry because your body might become toxic from too much of a good thing. Additionally, you won’t get to enjoy some of your favorite foods in all their deliciousness. Stay healthy by eating well!