If you are raising children today, it’s likely that you can recall what it was like to grow up without technology, rewinding cassette tapes, conversing with friends in person, requesting rides from your parents, and coordinating a pick-up time because there were no cell phones.
Even while it might have seemed simpler at the time, there were still difficulties. Bullying, inequality, war, and other forms of violence also existed then. Looking back, everything usually seems simpler, and we frequently overlook the challenging aspects. While raising children in an uncertain world comes with new obstacles that need for careful planning, it also offers a special chance to reunite families and turn your house into a safe haven for your loved ones. Children’s happiness is largely dependent on the quality of our time with them rather than the things we give them. While it’s true that life has become more complex, we now have the knowledge and resources needed to overcome challenges and encourage our children’s emotional growth rather than ignore it. It is a chance for us to develop spiritually, emotionally, and help our families. Development is not possible without adversity.
Even though technology, social media, and crammed schedules are normal in today’s world, many families are trying to calm down and re-connect. These are 10 easy suggestions to reduce the stress of parenting in an uncertain environment.
1. Accept and Validate Your Children’s Emotions
Any feelings your children may be feeling should be accepted and validated. How do you feel when a family member urges you to calm down when you are upset? Usually, things are worse!
By telling your child they are OK or not to worry if they are experiencing anxiety about going to school, those feelings won’t go away. To make them feel safe and loved, we can set up a confidence-boosting activity or some one-on-one time during breakfast after we try to understand why they are feeling that way. Even if you are aware that they have nothing to be concerned about, resist the impulse to tell them they shouldn’t be feeling this way (this might be challenging!). Describe a period when you experienced the same feelings and how you overcame them.
2. Be Their Safe Zone
This is not about being a pushover or having the ideal family or home scenario. Your home will serve as their safe haven, allowing them to be who they are there without fear of rejection. This one might demand the participation of all siblings. Ask them what appeals to them about their peculiar pastime or how it makes them feel to be engaged in it if they have one. This is advantageous to the entire family and inspires everyone to lead with their hearts instead of their heads.
Give them a role in the household where they can assist without receiving payment or a reward. Children should be informed of any changes to your family or living situation. In general, they are curious in how any changes will affect them. They will feel more at ease if there is as much order and predictability as possible.
3. Limit Social Media and Stick to Your Technology Comfort Zone
Like a magnet, technology draws children. After scrolling on your phone, how do you feel? Most people would say that things haven’t improved, but frequently our kids don’t have the self-awareness to recognize when something isn’t making them feel good.
Don’t feel bad if your children disagree with the rules you’ve established. Numerous children have expressed their satisfaction with their parents’ restrictions on their use of social media and other technologies. Someday they will appreciate you, even though they might not say it now.
4. Keep Connected With Centering Activities
To break out of their own heads, children and teenagers frequently require direction. Yoga, church, family outings, and mindfulness exercises are all wonderful methods to reconnect and reset.
It is simpler than it seems to be to practice mindfulness. Whatever you do while giving it your complete attention has numerous advantages. Just a few suggestions for bringing mindfulness and calm into your family time include art, cooking, listening to music, using essential oil diffusers, and having game night. There are endless activities your family may undertake together to benefit from this practice. Think of family theme nights when each member gets a night to choose an activity.
5. Get Involved Locally
What are some opportunities for family service in your community? Are there any nearby neighbors who might need assistance? Examine the clubs offered by the institution.
Even if your child might not be eager to join an activist club at school, encourage them to give it a shot. They could even develop an interest in something new!
6. Help Your Family Develop a Growth Mindset
It is not in our children’s best interests to try to make everyday sunshine and flowers. Errors are necessary for development. In order to develop grit and determination, challenges are necessary. Five years later, it was discovered that parents who commended their toddlers’ efforts rather than their talent had more upbeat attitudes. These kids thought that with effort, their skills might grow and advance.
Instead of focusing on a flawless outcome, comment on persistence and effort. Help them see how their effort makes them feel rather than relying on external praise. How did it feel to persevere and solve that math issue? What did you do when circumstances became difficult? Are you pleased with the outcome? While no parent wants their child to suffer, there are times when it’s best to let them handle a situation on their own while still assuring them of your love and support.
7. Guard Family Time
As our children approach puberty, they could exhibit a preference for hanging out with friends over being at home. At least one or two days per week should be set out for family time.
Again, they won’t care what they say now; they’ll be grateful later. Use that time to catch up and do something enjoyable, like a game or movie night, supper preparation, or taking turns choosing an activity.
8. Help Your Children Take Charge of Their Well-Being
Give your child the tools they need to take responsibility for their own wellbeing. It is crucial to teach children to take charge of their inner worlds because we live in a world where our outward environment is not always tranquil or under our control.
Despite the fact that each child is unique, it is important to assist them in discovering hobbies and activities that will boost their self-esteem. Sports, the arts, writing in a journal, practicing yoga, and meditation are just a few interesting activities that might aid in their empowerment.
9. Resist Overscheduling
It’s incredible that the word “no” is making a comeback in our language. If they could, kids would say “yes” to every activity. Parents should set limits on commitments. Even having too much fun during the week can lead to stress and exhaustion.
10. Develop a Morning Routine
Our morning sets the tone for the day, whether your kids are at home or off to school. What kind of schedule would be appropriate for your family? Setting yourself and your children up for a fantastic day can be done in only fifteen minutes.