A lifetime journey is required to find your genuine self. Even though it takes more than one day or one epiphany, it is still worthwhile to pursue. When you discover your true self via self-examination, you no longer feel fearful because you know what you’re intended to do. When you rise up authentically, you can succeed in anything. Who are you really? Is it who you were when you were a child? When were you at your happiest? When did you discover that crucial life lesson? When did you reach that objective? When did you lend a stranger a hand? Or when you went against what people expected and performed in accordance with your values? The answer is that you are made up of all of these things. Not finding your true self is the key. It involves recall.
Here are some self-discovery techniques to get you started.
1. Act Authentically
You are living out your genuine self when you act authentically. Instead of walking in concern, you are doing so with wisdom. They visit you because they are confident that you are the real deal. You are fierce but have flaws. You are sufficient as you are and with what you have. When you are true to yourself, your decisions are based on who you are. You discover that nothing can bring you down when you remain loyal to who you truly are. This is because you aren’t seeking outside approval, and when you are aware of what you have, you can make better use of it. When you care more about the right things when you act truly, you also act in everyone else’s best interests.
2. Use Self-Affirmations
Say this: “I am sufficient. I am powerful. I am not a victim; I am a victor. I’m up to the task. I’ll triumph. Even when it seems impossible, I shall persist. I am a person, thus I am not flawless. I can just take a break, not stop working. I’m not by myself. I’m ok. I’m appreciative. I feel peaceful. You acknowledge their veracity when you state these facts. You both become and feel them. Finding your strength through self-examination is how you come to know who you really are. Obstacles and resistance will move out of the way once you reveal who you are to the world. You can perceive chances, lessons, and wisdom when you have confidence. You become proactive rather than reactive as a result.
3. Confront Your Inner Critic
Nothing would ever be done if all people did was listen to the pessimistic voice within their heads. If Einstein had believed his teacher when she once told him that he lacked the necessary skills, he would not have discovered the Theory of Relativity and other things. That one individual, who would affect so many things, would be taken from the earth.
Fear of the unknowable, of not being good enough, or of loss and scarcity are the root causes of the inner critic. Yet, fear need not dictate what occurs. By refusing to pay attention to your inner critic, you may conquer fear.
Instead, say “I consider what COULD happen…” and turn it into a positive attitude while saying thanks to your inner critic. Fear doesn’t have to dominate you; it may ensure that you buckle up, practice before a performance, make wise decisions, etc. When you talk to your inner critic, it might not totally disappear, but you can reassure it and eventually let it go.
4. Don’t Hide Your Imperfections
Wearing a mask and declaring, “This is who I want people to think I am,” is simple. Taking off the mask and declaring, “This is who I truly am, and I am proud of that person,” is more satisfying.
You can live freely by owning who you are via self-discovery. You’ll become more responsible and influential as a result. Others will listen when you share your experience and speak the truth, and they will be motivated to do the same. Then, self-discovery can grow.
5. Find Who You Are NOT
Discover who you are NOT if you want to discover who you are. What aspect of your past has shaped who you are today? What about your family, friends, neighborhood, culture, and religion? What exactly are you and them? Even if you’ll never fully understand who you are, you can utilize distinction to become autonomous by separating yourself from what isn’t you by identifying the sources of your opinions.
When you distinguish, you don’t underestimate or disregard the impact that other things have had. You simply become aware of it, and once you are, you may bring it into the acceptance of it so that you can take action to alter it. What are your special objectives, passions, principles, and concepts? Start with that once you have determined what you are not. Understanding how and by what you have been shaped and molded throughout life is the goal of self-exploration.
It’s OK that events have had an impact on you, but have you ever thought about why? You can begin to discover who you are and free yourself from the things you aren’t if you can respond to that question.
6. Log Your Life
A fantastic technique for self-discovery is journaling. All you have to do is put your ideas on paper, either free-style or in response to prompts. Start with these words if you have nothing to write about: Note the date and your feelings.
What makes you feel more or less good? What sets you off? What enables you to succeed? You can better manage yourself and your life when you understand what makes you tick. You have a secure environment where you may be authentic and only share entries when you’re at ease. You can check in or pour it out every day.
You can also look around you while allowing your thoughts to wander. Prior to continuing to write, keep your attention on your feelings and give yourself breaks and time to reflect. When you’re at a loss for words, let the conclusion flow organically. You can discover how your mind works and recognize dangerous habits if you keep a log, which will help you take back control of your life.
7. Focus on What Is Right with You
It’s possible that you obsess about the things about yourself and other people that you don’t like. You can believe that you are not worthy of opportunities since they are passed over. You are not alone if that describes you. Everybody has a negativity bias, which causes them to initially place more faith in the negative than the positive.
The first step to perceiving the truth is realizing that your mind can be lying to you. You can combat thoughts that tell you you have nothing to contribute by concentrating on what is best for you. You can influence your situation more if you have control over your thoughts.
8. Find Solace in Solitude
When it comes to self-discovery, unplugging and stepping away might be beneficial. You will feel better and be better if you go outside into nature and invest in yourself.
Spend some time in meditation concentrating just on you and not the outside world. Pay attention to your own ideas rather than what others are saying. You once again recognize yourself after checking in. Recharging won’t necessarily make things better or put an end to that challenging situation, but it can give you the power of mind and energy to overcome it.
9. Practice Self-Care
People frequently worry with guilt and anxiety as they try to unwind. Even though you may be on vacation, your mind is continuously working. You will find that you can fight your fights even better and really go into self-exploration if you give yourself permission to unwind.
More breakthroughs in self-care than self-sabotage will occur. Self-care is more than just treating yourself to luxuries. It’s making the time to accomplish the necessary tasks so that you may be the person you need to be. Everyone has a distinct idea of what self-care is. For other people, it might involve taking a bath and using essential oils. Others could envision it as a hike into the wilderness far from their difficulties and problems. You deserve to take care of yourself whatever you choose to.
10. Try Mindfulness
Being mindful of the here and now is an excellent method to train your mind to stop catastrophizing. You don’t declare yourself a failure when you fail. By simply observing your thoughts and putting an end to destructive thought patterns, mindfulness can help you stop judging yourself.
Think of your thoughts as leaves blowing by you in a gentle breeze. Put each thought that arises on a leaf and let it to pass. You don’t have to be emotionally invested in each one. Instead, focus on deep breathing, which stimulates the Vagus nerve and relieves stress. See the leaves as you exhale as they go farther and farther away from you till they are in the distance. When your supervisor is talking over you at work and you want to yell, you can practice mindfulness. When your children ask for their sibling’s toy and you just want to give in to stop them, you can practice mindfulness with them. Even in the most trying circumstances, being mindful allows you to pause and reevaluate the circumstance.
Despite the circumstance, you maintain composure so that you can react rationally and make decisions that will produce the best outcomes.