11 digital marketing techniques

digital marketing techniques

Digital marketing, which includes pretty much all online advertising for your e-commerce company, is the practice of promoting a brand, product, and/or service through paid and organic internet campaigns. More than 75 percent of companies actively promote their brands through marketing efforts. Increased brand exposure, sales, engagement, leads, and revenue are the most typical marketing objectives for those organizations. All of these objectives can be met with a digital marketing techniques.

A comprehensive digital marketing plan includes a variety of media. In general, social media, email, and SEO are used in conjunction by the majority of brands. The particular channels that are effective for your brand mostly depend on your target market, your financial constraints, and your corporate objectives.

These are 11 well-liked and successful digital marketing platforms for promoting your internet company.

1. Social media marketing

Social media marketing enables you to interact with current clients and forge bonds with potential ones. The word “social media” refers to popular websites like Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok as well as specialized ones like Houzz and Twitch. Consider checking out some of the major social media marketing platforms:

With 2.96 billion monthly active users, Facebook
TikTok has 1.53 billion active monthly users.
With 1.28 billion monthly active users, Instagram
Specifically in the US, Twitter has 41.5 million daily active “monetizable” users.
With 431 million monthly active users, Pinterest
With 363 million daily active users, Snapchat

On any of these networks, you can produce organic social media postings. Organic social media updates are ones you publish on the page(s) for your brand without using any paid advertising. With organic posts, it’s usually preferable to balance engaging and promotional content, leaning more toward the former. Unfollowings may result from posting too frequently about oneself.

2. Messaging marketing

Customers that use Facebook Messenger or SMS messages can be reached through messaging marketing. It’s particularly helpful for creating stronger relationships with existing consumers and delivering bonuses to your best shoppers. But be cautious—treat your consumers’ inboxes with respect—they are holy. Share only essential information, pertinent deals, or truly useful articles.

Customers of the toilet paper company Who Gives a Shit receive text message notifications when to restock so they never run out of toilet paper. This is a terrific strategy to drive ongoing purchases and stay front of mind.

3. Email marketing

Email is a well-known digital tool for corporate communication. Additionally, data indicates that email usage is increasing. Roughly 4.37 billion people use email, which is anticipated to climb to 4.73 by 2026. But there’s a growing unhappiness with branded emails, which means there are more opportunities for the businesses that do it effectively.

You may use email to provide a combination of promotional and non-sales content—newsletters with helpful content about how to use your products, exclusive discounts for your email list, early announcements, and access to special sales and affiliate programs. In an effort to increase sales, Spirit of the Herbs gave its subscribers access to a special discount code.

4. SEM and SEO

SEM (search engine marketing) and SEO (search engine optimization) marketing work to make your website more visible to internet search engines. While SEO refers to non-sponsored efforts, SEM refers to paid strategies.

To fire up your SEM, you can run pay-per-click (PPC) display advertisements and Google Shopping Ads using the Google AdWords dashboard, targeting specific keywords for searches in your specified geographies. Regardless of your goals or the level of keyword competition, there is always a solution that fits your budget.

LOVEBYT employs SEM as part of its digital marketing plan for their chemical- and cruelty-free toothpaste. Because it placed a bid on the keyword “organic toothpaste,” it shows up at the top of search results for that term. The brand’s advertisement will appear as the top result when customers enter that search into Google; given that the first three results receive 54.5% of all clicks, there is a significant possibility that customers will click through.

5. Native advertising

Native advertising is a sort of sponsored promotion in which the advertisement mimics the design and aesthetics of the platform it is placed on. This kind of digital marketing could take the form of a recommendation widget, a sponsored post on a website, or a social media update.

Not fooling people into thinking the advertisement is genuine material is not the goal. Instead, the goal is to keep the user experience free of friction. Products that aid in preserving food longer are suggested in this material as a complement to the article. Native advertising frequently takes the form of product recommendations.

6. Pay-per-click

With the pay-per-click (PPC) advertising model, you are charged for each click on your advertisement. The cost-per-click (CPC) model is another name for it, and it’s most common on Google, Facebook, and Instagram.

You set your budget and produce the ad visuals, just like SEM. While PPC ads are displayed to customers who fall into your target demographic, SEM advertising are displayed to users who have searched for a specific term.
There are several ad formats to pick from, as well as tools that link customers to the page of the promoted goods or help them make a direct purchase on the social media network.

7. Content marketing

Businesses who use content marketing produce and/or curate material, typically through blogs. In fact, blogs are a key component of the digital marketing strategies of more than half of marketers. Content is useful for creating authority in your chosen niche, fostering relationships with both new and old consumers, spreading awareness of your brand and products, and enhancing SEO.

On its website, the CBD and hemp oil company Cerena hosts a blog called Cuentos (Stories). It posts industry news and advice on how customers can use its products in their daily lives here.

8. Affiliate marketing

Through affiliate marketing, customers and influencers can profit from promoting and selling a company’s goods. This is most typically seen in tandem with influencer marketing, where the influencer gets a cut every time someone buys a product through their unique link. This type of digital marketing is excellent for reaching out to new audiences and motivating your most loyal customers to advertise your goods.

In this case, the affiliate will receive a portion of the money when a customer clicks through from this roundup post to the Amazon product page and makes a purchase.

9. Marketing automation

When you use technology as part of your digital marketing plan, you are using marketing automation. This causes automated actions from your marketing platforms. Your tech stack may only include one platform for marketing automation, or it may include a number of platforms through integrations. You may add a variety of marketing automation apps to your e-commerce site, for instance, through the Shopify App Store.

Campaigns for marketing automation can also be built right from your Shopify dashboard. One type of marketing automation most ecommerce firms may exploit is post-purchase automation. You can utilize post-purchase contact to develop client connections and cross-sell other products through tailored recommendations depending on your product and the transaction. Then, you can use the marketing statistics in your Shopify dashboard to evaluate the outcomes and tweak the campaign.

10. Remarketing

Remarketing, also known as behavioral retargeting, is the practice of advertising to customers who have already engaged with your brand. Based on the prior behavior of your audience, you can create focused and educated retargeted marketing campaigns.

Maybe you started a line of mugs with artwork for your home goods company? You then worked on a new mug design with a different artist a few months following the initial assignment. The folks who bought your first artist-designed mug can be targeted again because you already know they are interested in this kind of merchandise. Customers who have already visited Madewell’s website and expressed interest in particular products are served Facebook adverts.

11. Sponsored content

In that a brand pays for an advertisement that mimics a platform’s journalistic material, sponsored content and native advertising are similar. This type of digital marketing frequently includes writing an article or blog post, but it can also involve paid social media posts.

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